Karol Tarnowski
- Nonlinear phenomena in multimode fibers - multimode solitons and frequency conversion –
the project is financed by the National Science Centre, Poland (2018/30/E/ST7/00862).

- Far-detuned frequency conversion in multimode fibers –
the project is co-financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange

- Nonlinear light propagation in multimode fibers –
the project is co-financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange

- Towards mid-lR high repetition rate absorption spectroscopy with ANDi fiber-based superontinuum source POLONIUM 2016-2017
- Supercontinnum generation in near infrared range using birefringent all-normal dispersion silica microstructured fibers NCN Sonata 7
- From frequency conversion in externally tuned photonic crystal fibers to nonlinear fiber optic sensors POLONIUM 2013-2014
- Frequency conversion in nonlinear photonic crystal fibers POLONIUM 2010-2011
NANOMAT - The Application of Nanotechnology in Advanced Materials, no: POIG 01.01.02-02-002/08
- Tunable liquid crystal phase shifters in THz and GHz range - project of Ministry of Science and Higher Education no. O R00 0144 12